Unity SDK
Platforms support: Windows, OS X, Android, iOS, Linux Unity Support: Unity 2020.3 LTS, Unity 2019.4 LTS, Unity 2018.4 LTS, Unity 2017.4 LTS
Some vendors face issues compiling with the public SDK. This is a known issue with IL2CPP by Xcode for example. Please contact our customer support if you face trouble compiling and we can help you troubleshoot further.
- Implemented LicenseSpring settings window (Window->LicenseSpring settings OR press F10)
- Implemented LicenseSpring object (Setup data to LicenseSpring window setting or GameObject->LicenseSpring-> API object)
- Implemented LicenseSpring prefab object (License for Unity->Resources->LicenseSpring->Prefabs)
- Added online and offline activation sample scenes

Updated 15 Sep 2023

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