Errors and Response Codes

  • active_license_required (400): active license is required
  • authorization_invalid_headers (400): invalid headers value in authorization
  • authorization_missing_params (400): some parameters are missing in authorization: different, parameters
  • device_not_found (400): an active device matching hardware_id not found
  • hmac_required (400): hmac is required algorithm
  • internal_error (500): Server-side error: Internal error
  • invalid_api_key (400): provided api key is not valid
  • license_activated_max_times (400): license is already activated max number of times
  • license_key_required (400): license_key is missing from the request
  • license_not_active (400): license is not active
  • license_not_enabled (400): license is not enabled
  • license_not_found (400): license with provided license_key not found
  • missing_hardware_id (400): hardware_id missing in the request
  • missing_headers (400): some headers are missing
  • missing_parameters (400): some parameters are missing in the request: different, parameters
  • order_id_exists (409): Order with this ID already exists
  • signature_mismatch (401): signature mismatch
  • trial_expired (400): trial period for device has expired
  • unknown_product (400): provided product was not found
  • unsupported_product_feature (400): One or more of requested product features do not exists or they are not enabled on the product
  • version_not_found (400): file at requested version does not exist
  • disabled_product (400): Provided product is disabled.
  • archived_product (400): Provided product is archived.
  • license_transferred_max_times (400): license transferred max times

Updated 18 Jun 2024
Doc contributor
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