For parties external to the software vendor, we make available a range of interfaces, including a set of portals.
LicenseSpring's portals can be configured to allow license management by an external third party.
Some common tasks that can be done via the portals include the following:
- Assign/unassign users to a license
- Transfer a license from one device to another
- Look up licenses from an order and dispatch them across the organization
- Issue new licenses for an existing order without the intervention of the software vendor
- Activate or deactivate licenses for computers that do not have access to the internet
- Reset licenses
LicenseSpring currently maintains 3 portals (not including the Vendor platform):
All of our portals, including the API, can be white-labeled to a vendor's subdomain. For more details, please contact us directly.
URL: users.licensespring.com
License managers can log in to this portal and manage licenses for all of the orders they have been assigned to, according to the permissions they have been given.
URL: offline.licensespring.com
End users can activate and deactivate their licenses the offline activation method using this portal.
URL: airgap.licensespring.com
End users can activate and deactivate their licenses that are air-gapped using this portal.