Product Configuration Glossary
Product Bundles are a specific product type that combines multiple products together. This enables them to be activated and utilized with a single license, streamlining the licensing process.

When configuring a new application within LicenseSpring, you will be prompted to enter a "short code" known as the product code. These codes consist of a sequence of characters (minimum 2) and serve as a unique identifier for the product. Product codes are typically used for license checks and activations to identify the specific product associated with the license.
The product name, unlike the product code, does not need to be unique. It serves as a means for tracking and identifying a particular product within the LicenseSpring system. The product name provides a human-readable label or description for the product.
For more information, see Product Configuration.
Product Custom Fields are similar to license custom fields, with the distinction that the information is associated with the product itself. By default, all licenses associated with the product will inherit the product custom field values. However, if needed, these values can be overridden or customized at the license level using license custom fields.
Creating a new version of a product allows you to manage distinct releases of your product, enabling effective version control and management.
For more information, see our Product Versioning documentation.

Application channels act as conduits that enable the efficient and secure transfer of data between applications and the queue manager, allowing for seamless communication and facilitating the retrieval of installation files for software updates.
The version release date represents the specific date on which a software version is officially launched or made accessible to users, enabling them to track the progression and evolution of a software product over time.