SDK Distribution and Licensing
libcurl library to facilitate secure HTTPS communication with the LicenseSpring server.The use of libcurl, with its ease of implementation and robust security features, significantly enhances the application's capability to interact with LicenseSpring's API. Its comprehensive support for HTTPS ensures encrypted and secure data transmission
Boost library is used to significantly enhance the performance and capabilities (using of multithreading) of our LicenseSpring integration
In our integration with LicenseSpring, OpenSSL serves as a foundational component, particularly for cryptography and secure SSL/TLS communications. By leveraging OpenSSL, we ensure that all interactions with the LicenseSpring server are conducted over secure channels
libcrypto is part of OpenSSL, which is a robust, full-featured open-source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols as well as a general-purpose cryptography library.
JSON for Modern C++, is a popular JSON library used for parsing, serializing, and manipulating JSON data sent by LicenseSpring server.
Catch2 is a modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit tests, TDD (Test-Driven Development), and BDD (Behavior-Driven Development).
Versions currently being used in latest SDK:
Aggregated Licenses from open source dependencies present within the LicenseSpring C++ SDK.