After completing SDK Initialization, there are a number of methods and objects available to the app developer.
In case no active license is available the property value will be null.
You can generate a trial key directly from the app using the SDK, which will automatically associate this license key with the provided email. You can later use this data from the LicenseSpring platform to send out email campaigns targeting trial users for example.
After you generate a trial key - the UnactivatedTrialLicense object will be returned, you still need to activate it using a call to licenseManager.activateLicense()
Attempts to activate the product using provided ActivationIdentity. Returns the License object that has been activated.
License is deactivated using a method on the Manager. You need to supply the current license identity.
Returns the latest valid installation file, if installation files are defined in the LicenseSpring platform. For more details please see Product Versioning
Returns all available versions of the product app that are specified in LicenseSpring platform. For more details please see Product Versioning. Version class only contains String version.
Tracks device based variables for end uses. Can use the Variable builder as a utility.
Gets product details from LicenseSpring servers.
Gets the activation code use for air gapped license
Needs the LicenseSpringConfiguration field: airGappedPublicKey to work with Air Gap Licenses
Activates the air gapped license from the license policy file
Needs the LicenseSpringConfiguration field: airGappedPublicKey to work with Air Gap Licenses
Verifies the confirmation code for air gapped license
Needs the LicenseSpringConfiguration field: airGappedPublicKey to work with Air Gap Licences