node.js SDK

SDK Licensing


SDK License

LicenseSpring SDK Source Code License (LSSCL) Preamble: This LicenseSpring SDK Source Code License (LSSCL) governs the use, distribution, and modification of the source code for this LicenseSpring SDKs. This SDK is designed to facilitate the integration of LicenseSpring's license management service into your applications. By accessing, using, or modifying the SDK, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this license. 1. Permissions: * You are permitted to access, read, and modify the source code of this LicenseSpring SDK. * You may create derivative works that include this SDK, provided all derivative works are used solely as part of the LicenseSpring service. 2. Distribution: * You may distribute the original or modified versions of software that incorporates the SDK, provided that all distributed versions retain this LSSCL license. * Distributed versions, including modifications, must be used to facilitate the integration of LicenseSpring’s service and may not be: * Provided as part of a hosted or cloud-based service that allows others to access the SDK’s functionality without interacting directly with the LicenseSpring service. * Integrated into other services which compete with or do not use the LicenseSpring service. 3. Usage Restrictions: * The SDK, in its original or modified form, may only be used as part of the LicenseSpring service, whether on a free or paid plan. * You are prohibited from using the SDK independently or as part of any service that does not interact with the LicenseSpring service. 4. Prohibited Actions: * You may not circumvent or disable any technical measures that control access to the SDK. * You must not remove, alter, or obscure any license notices, copyright notices, or other proprietary notices from the SDK. 5. Termination: * Any violation of these terms will result in the automatic termination of your rights under this license. * Upon termination, you must cease all use and distribution of the SDK and destroy all copies in your possession. 6. Disclaimer of Warranty and Liability: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND LICENSESPRING DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LICENSESPRING SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. Copyright 2024 Cense Data Inc DBA LicenseSpring Contact: [email protected]

Bundled Dependencies

LicenseSpring node.js SDK contains the following 3rd-party libraries bundled as dependencies: