
SalesForce Integration Installation Tutorial


Introduction and Prerequisites

This article is a tutorial on the necessary steps that you need to take to install our LicenseSpring SalesForce integration on your SaleForce instance.

We are assuming that you have a SalesForce instance and a LicenseSpring instance setup beforehand and that you have the admin rights needed to install applications on it and edit / add Lightning Record Pages.

App Installation

The integration is a SalesForce app that can be installed by using the following link:

The App is currently not published on the SalesForce marketpace, but we are planning to do so in the future so users will be able to find the app on the SalesForce marketpalce as well.

Once you click on the link and log into you SaleForce instance you will be show the following page in the image below:

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In this page you have the ability to pick who will be able to use the app in your SF instance (the choice does not matter from the perspective of the integration so choose which ever you prefer for your use case).

After you choose the permission setting, you will need to check the check mark "I acknowledge that I'm isntalling a Non - Salesforce Applicaiton" and then click on the "Install" button.

This will take you to a loading animation.

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If everything is installed correctly you will be show the following message: "Installation Complete!".

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Lightning Pages Setup

Now the application is installed and we need to add the applications UI to the Contacts and Accounts Record pages so that we are able to see and use our integration on those Lightining Pages.

Our integration currently supports the the Contacts and Accounts SalesForce objects.

The integraiton only works in the SalesForce record pages. You are able to add the integraton to any Lightning page types, but it wont work properly.

If you need the integration to work with other SF objects or on other Lightning page types please submit a a support ticket to our support team:

Go to the setup page.

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On the setup page, click on to the Lightning App Builder.

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There may already be Lightning pages listed in your SalesForce instance.

Click on the "New" button if you do not already have a Lightning record page for the contact and account objects.

If you do have a Lightning record page for the contact and account objects, you will need to click on the edit button on those pages. This will take you to the Lightning Page editing tool, so you can skip the next few steps of the tutorial by clicking on this link on the right Side of the screen for the "Lightining Page editing tool / Lightning App Builder"

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In the above step, click "Record Page" and click the "Next" button.

You will be prompted to create a label and pick an object for the Page.

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For the label you can put anything you like, but make sure it is recognizable (in our case we will put "ContactRecordPage"), and for the Object you need to pick "contact"

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After you click next, you will need to pick a tempalate, or clone an existing page. Choose what ever is the best for your use case and click "Done"

Lightining Page editing tool / Lightning App Builder

Once that is done, you will be redirected to the editing tool for the newly created Lightning Page (or an existing page).

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If in the steps above you have picked to edit an already existing contact or account record page, you would be redirected to this editing tool.

On this step you will add the LicenseSpring integrations UI component to the Page.

You can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the component list on the left side of the screen, or by searching for the "contactLicensesPreview" component.

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To add the component, you will need to drag and drop the contactLicensesPreview component to an empty slot on the page where you wish for our integrations UI to be shown later on.

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In the example, we have also added the "Record detail" component just to have more informaiton on the page.

When our component is added, click 'Save', and click 'Activation...'.

This will take us to the Activation wizard. On this wizard you have additional options on how to show / use the page. You decide on how / where you want to show the page. For this example, we will click on Assign as Org Default and after a couple of more custom options that you can choose based on your use case you are done with the integration setup for the contact object.

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Repeat the steps on the account object and its Lightning page.

  1. Go to the Lightning App builder.
  2. Add a new Account Record page or edit an existing one.
  3. Add our accountLicensesPreview.
  4. Save the page and activate it.

Management Api Key

Now when we have installed the app and added the needed component to our pages we can go to any contact or account record and we should be able to see the integration window.

To do so we need to go back to the SalesForce home page, click on the upper left 9 dots icon, and search for Contacts or Accounts.

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The last step in the integration setup is for us to set the LicenseSpring Management API key.

To do so, log into the LicenseSpring Vendor Platform,click on the settings and click on the "Keys" tab.

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On this tab, we need to copy our Management API key that is active and is not read only.

Paste the key in the text field SaleForce integration Management api key field and click on the "Set Key" button in the lower right corner of the integration window.

Contact Support

If you still have issues with the setup, need answers to certain questions or need additional functionalities added to the integration, feel free to contact our LicenseSpring support team: