Product Configuration

Product Custom Fields


Product custom fields allow you to define key:value pairs for any product. For a given license, you can override the value of the product custom field with a license custom field value.

When you add a custom field to a product, all licenses for that given product will have that field added to them, and will show up on license checks and activations. This field will appear on the server responses if you do not override the value for that given license.

Example Use-Cases for Custom Fields

There are many ways you can use custom fields.

Here are a few example use-cases:

  • Creating a product tier. The key might be something like "edition" and the default value could be the lowest tier, such a "lite". For a given license you may change the default with "standard" or "pro"
  • Setting the number of CPU cores that a machine is allowed to run for your licensed application
  • Setting a grace period for requiring online license checks

We call a "Product Custom Field" the default key:value pair that you set for a given product, and a "License Custom Field" the key:value pair if you override the default value for the custom field for a given license.

Add/Remove/Edit Product Custom Fields

Open the product detail page, and click on the "custom fields" tab

Custom Fields Tab
Custom Fields Tab

Adding a New Product Custom Field

To add a new product custom field, Click "add custom field", and specify a name (key) and value for your new custom field:

Adding New Custom Fields
Adding New Custom Fields

Modify/Delete Product Custom Field

Click on the pencil to edit an existing product custom field, and it will allow you to modify the name and/or the value.

Click on the red trash can to delete a product custom field.

Modify/Delete Custom Fields
Modify/Delete Custom Fields

Once you issue a license, you can override the product custom field with a license custom field. You can edit the value of the custom field for any license that was issued.