Product Configuration

Products within your LicenseSpring account
Products within your LicenseSpring account

What Is a Product?

In LicenseSpring, a product is what you can issue licenses for. This is usually a software application, but it could be an operating system, or maybe even a hardware device.

In order to issue and manage licenses, you will need to have a product to issue and licenses for.

Initializing a Product

To Create a new product, click on "Configure Products" on the left-hand navigation, and then "Add a new product" on the Product summary view.

Creating New Product
Creating New Product

Next, enter a Product name , and a Product code . The Product name is only used in the vendor platform. The Code will be used in many places, such as when making API calls to validate a license, or when issuing a license from an e-commerce platform. The Product name can change, but the Product code cannot change.

The product code must be unique, and be comprised of only lower-cased alpha-numeric characters. No spaces, no special characters are permitted.

Select the Authorization method for your product. We support both key-based and user-based licenses.

A product can be either key-based or user-based. You cannot change the authorization method once the product has been initialized.

You can specify is the Product has a trial period , if selected, you can set the default validity period of trial licenses that are issued

Floating timeout refers to the default heartbeat for ay floating licenses issued. Note that this can be overridden for any license that is issued.

Lastly, you can specify an initial release version of the product by ticking the box Product has file .

Inserting Product Information
Inserting Product Information

Click Next review the details you entered for the product initialization and click Create Product . Your new product will now appear in the product summary screen.

Create New Product
Create New Product

Product List
Product List

Click anywhere in the row containing your product name, and you will be directed to the product detail page.

Product Detail Page
Product Detail Page

Disable a Product

Disabling a product will prevent issuing licenses for that product. The Status on the Product List View will be changed from Active to Disabled .

A Disabled product can be re-enabled at any time, and it will still appear in the Product List. You can still edit the product, such as add features and custom fields, as well as License Policies.

To Disable a Product, go to the product detail screen, and click "disable product":

Disabling a Product
Disabling a Product

It will now appear as disabled on the Product List View:

Archive a Product

Archiving a Product will remove it from the product list, and will disable it if it is enabled.

You cannot modify archived products, but you can Reactivate an archived product.

You can find your archived products in their own tab on the Product List. Click on the "Reactivate" button on the respective row if you would like to Reactivate a product.

Archieved Product List
Archieved Product List

Updated 05 Sep 2023
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