Management API

List Orders


Show all orders the requesting manager has access permissions to.

URL: /api/v1/orders/

Method: GET

Query Parameters:


  • order_by - Which attribute to order the list by.
    • default ordering is ascending, can be made descending by prefixing the attribute name with -
    • Example: order_by=created_at
    • Example: order_by=-created_at


Default pagination is 20 results per page.

  • limit - Number of results to return per page.
    • Example: limit=20
  • offset - The initial index from which to return the results.
    • Example: offset=21


The results can be filtered by various attributes on order or related to the order.

If available, additional suffixes can be appended to attributes which further define the filter:

  1. __startswith - string value is a starting substring of the attribute
  2. __icontains - string value is a substring of the attribute (case insensitive)

Possible filters:

  • store_id
  • store_id__startswith
  • store_id__icontains
  • customer__email
  • customer__email__startswith
  • customer__email__icontains
  • company
  • customer_id
  • customer_email
  • customer_company_name
  • customer_company_name__icontains
  • customer_reference__icontains
  • customer_name__icontains
  • customer_label__in
  • customer__account
  • customer__account__name
  • customer__account__name__icontains
  • customer__account__code
  • customer__account__code__icontains
  • customer__account__description
  • customer__account__description__icontains
  • customer__account__phone
  • customer__account__phone__icontains
  • customer__account__address
  • customer__account__address__icontains
  • customer__account__email
  • customer__account__email__icontains
  • customer__account__reference
  • customer__account__reference__icontains
  • metadata

Success Response:

Code: 200 OK

Content Examples: