Management API

Update License Product Features


Updates product features on a license if requesting manager has access permissions to it.

URL: /api/v1/licenses/{id}/update_features/

Method: POST

  • License product features provided in product_features list will be created if not on License or updated if already on License.
  • License product features already on license but not provided in product_features list will be deleted from License.

Parameters for Each License Product Feature:

  • product_feature - String
  • max_consumption - Integer
  • total_consumptions - Integer
  • expiry_date - Date
    • Format: yyyy-mm-dd (2020-09-30)
  • allow_overages - Boolean
  • max_overages - Integer
  • reset_consumption - Boolean
  • consumption_period - String
    • Choices: daily, weekly, monthly, annualy
  • metadata - JSON
  • is_floating - Boolean
  • is_floating_cloud -Boolean
  • floating_users - Integer
  • floating_timeout - Integer

Data Example:


Success Response:

Code: 200 OK

Content Examples: