License Entitlements

Trial Licenses


All licenses have a Boolean field denoting whether it is a trial or not. This can be seen on the license summary as well as the license detail page:

Is Trial Boolean Location
Is Trial Boolean Location

By using the is_trial Boolean designating a license is of type trial, you have a flag that allows you to configure your software in demo mode.

Particularities of a Trial License

  • Trial licenses are the only type of license that can be issued through the License API. In other words, your application can request and activate a trial license without the software vendor's involvement.
  • By changing the Boolean value of the is_trial field from True to False , you can upgrade a license.
  • Since any license type can also be a trial license, you might notice that a perpetual or a consumption license can also have an expiry date.

When a license is a trial license, the expiry date for that license always refers to the trial expiry date.

Setting a Trial Expiration Date Through the Vendor Platform

You can either set a fixed end date, or a set number of days from the first use of the trial license:

Setting License Type as Trial
Setting License Type as Trial

The trial_days is a integer value which is used at the moment of licence activation to determine the expiration date ( validity_period ) if validity_period is not set already. It is used to calculate this field ( activate_date + trial_days = validity_period ). Trial days is a static value which does not change after license activation, only calculated validity_period field determines until when trial license is valid.

Before activation you have two options - you can either set trial_days OR validity_period on a trial license. If both are defined on a trial license, when this license is activated, validity_period will take precedence and License API will use this field and ignore trial_days. If only trial_days are defined, then validity_period will be calculated and used to determine license validity.

Use only trial_days if you want the validity_period to be calculated on the time of activation based on this number

Use validity_period if you already know, even before activation, until when this license should be valid.

“Upgrading” a Trial License

Any trial license can be edited to modify the license so that it is no longer a trial license, but a full license for your product. To do so:

  1. Open the license detail page for that given trial license and Click "Edit License"
  2. Uncheck the "Is Trial" box, and click "Save"
Editing From Trial To Full License
Editing From Trial To Full License

Issuing New Trial Licenses

There are a few ways that a trial license can be issued: