Deactivate Bundle (Offline Method)
The request body is a string representing a base64-encoded JSON object containing all the required activation data.
If using "multipart/form-data" for the request, the "file" form parameter is mandatory
The signature value is constructed as follows:
- The string licenseSpring plus a newline
- The string date, plus the "date" value from the license payload object, plus a newline
- Either the "license_key" or "username" value from the request payload object (which ever is present on the license, see the License Authorization Method section below) plus a newline
- The "hardware_id" value from the request payload object plus a newline
- The "api_key" value from the request payload object
This complete string is then encrypted using HMAC-SHA256 and the company shared key as the encryption key.
This object is then stringified and encoded to base64, e.g.:
If the request succeeds, the endpoint responds with the HTTP code 200 and the string license_deactivated.
There are two types of product licenses based on how the client application authorizes itself to interact with a license:
Each license assigned to the product requires the client to provide a license key in order to activate, check or deactivate the license (property license_key in the request body).
The license response object will contain the license_key property, and the property product_details.authorization_method will be the string license_key.
Each license assigned to the product has a corresponding "license user" instead of a license key. Requires username and password to be provided.
In the license response object, product_details.authorization_method will have the string value user and the response object will contain the user object with information on the license user.
The license_type property defines one of the 4 types of licenses based on their duration and how the license is used:
- Perpetual: perpetual
- Time-limited: time-limited
- Subscription: subscription
- Consumption: consumption
For more information see: License Types
The optional variables parameter lets you set device variables during activation. For more information on how device variables work, see Device Variables
If an error occurs, the response will have an HTTP status code of 400 or higher, and the response body will contain an error description in the following format:
- when missing authorization or date headers
- when no request body at all or no file found in request body
- when has request body but request body is not properly base 64 encoded
- when file is missing in request body
- when license_key or hardware_id body parameters are missing
- when data body parameter is missing
- when api_key parameter is missing
If you want to use this api endpoint directly, instead of using SDK, which does most of heavy lifting for you, please contact us for additional instructions
If any aspect of the offline licensing model remains unclear or raises questions, we encourage you to explore our in-depth guide on link
This resource offers a comprehensive explanation of the offline licensing process, how it operates, and ways to utilize its advantages for your specific software applications