Deactivate License (Online Method)
If the request succeeds, the endpoint responds with the HTTP code 200 and the string license_deactivated.
There are two types of product licenses based on how the client application authorizes itself to interact with a license:
Each license assigned to the product requires the client to provide a license key in order to activate, check or deactivate the license (property license_key in the request body).
The license response object will contain the license_key property, and the property product_details.authorization_method will be the string license_key.
Each license assigned to the product has a corresponding "license user" instead of a license key. There are multiple ways a user-based product license can be accessed when making a request:
- By providing the values for username and password for the license user
- By providing the values for id_token and customer_account_code if using single sign-on authentication using Implicit grant
- By providing the values for code and customer_account_code if using single sign-on authentication using Authorization code grant
In the license response object, product_details.authorization_method will have the string value user and the response object will contain the user object with information on the license user.
If an error occurs, the response will have an HTTP status code of 400 or higher, and the response body will contain an error description in the following format: