
Salesforce Features


The Salesforce Integration aims to connect Salesforce with the LicenseSpring platform seamlessly. The integration enables efficient customer and order creation, license creation, enabling/disabling, and resetting.

Key Features

  • Order Creation:
    • One-directional (Changes made on Salesforce are visible in LicenseSpring but not vice versa)
    • Real-time (As soon as a change occurs in Salesforce, data is promptly synchronized with LicenseSpring)
    • Guides the user through the order creation process
  • Customer Creation:
    • One-directional (Changes made on Salesforce are visible in LicenseSpring but not vice versa)
    • Real-time (As soon as a change occurs in Salesforce, data is promptly synchronized with LicenseSpring)
    • While creating an order, the user can choose whether he would like to create a new customer or pick an already existing customer
  • License Creation:
    • One-directional (Changes made on Salesforce are visible in LicenseSpring but not vice versa)
    • Real-time (As soon as a change occurs in Salesforce, data is promptly synchronized with LicenseSpring)
    • Every order has to have at least one license created
    • The license creation process is automated
  • Enabling/Disabling Licenses:
    • One-directional (Changes made on Salesforce are visible in LicenseSpring but not vice versa)
    • Real-time (As soon as a change occurs in Salesforce, data is promptly synchronized with LicenseSpring)
    • After the successful creation of an order, the user can choose to disable/enable the license(s)
  • Resetting Licenses:
    • One-directional (Changes made on Salesforce are visible in LicenseSpring but not vice versa)
    • Real-time (As soon as a change occurs in Salesforce, data is promptly synchronized with LicenseSpring)
    • After the successful creation of an order, the user can choose to reset the license(s)
  • Updating (adding/removing) Product Features for Licenses:
    • Bi-directional (Changes made on Salesforce are visible in LicenseSpring and vice versa)
    • Real-time (As soon as a change occurs in Salesforce, data is promptly synchronized with LicenseSpring)
    • In Salesforce (or in LicenseSpring) the user can change the number of product features that are bound to the license