FastSpring Classic Store
We are no longer maintaining and testing our integration with FastSpring classic.
These are instructions for our new platform. For customers still using the old platform (if you log in from, please contact customer support for instructions on integrating with FastSpring.
Duration: 15 minutes
There are 3 parts to the configuration within FastSpring.
- When creating a product, you need to set up product name to match code in LicenseSpring
- You will need to configure the license generation within your product.
- Finally, you will need to configure the post-order notifications.
There is only one thing here - "Product name" needs to match the "short-code" in LicenseSpring:

Login to your FastSpring account. Navigate to the product you are configuring (click on the Store > Products and Pages > [Product name]. Beside “Fulfillment Actions” Click “Add Fulfillment”. Click “Generate a License” > Remote Server Request.

Fill out the fields in the next step with the following information:
- Method: HTTP POST
- POST Encoding: UTF-8
- Output Format: Single-Line License (Quantity based)
Click “Create”.

Under the "Product Fulfillment" section, in the "Parameters" tab, it's important to input the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) in order for the system to function correctly and generate the license. The UUID serves as a unique identifier that is essential for the product fulfillment process to work as expected and to ensure that the generated licenses are associated with the correct company.
Find your `uuid` inside FastSpring integration configuration view under Settings -> Integrations [tab]:

Next, you'll need to configure the post-order notification: Click on “Notifications” in the top right corner.

Add a “custom notification”.
In the next step, use the following information to configure the custom post-order notification:
- Event Type: Order Completed
- Destination: HTTP URL
- Applicable Site: the name of the store for which you are configuring the product for
- Content Type: JSON (application/json)
license_type parameter is optional, use it to change the default license type if needed

Please do not hesitate to contact customer support if you need any help.
Product features in FastSpring can be set-up as "Product choices", which are actually separate products in FastSpring platform. This means that before setting up a feature/choice, you need to create a separate product. Take care to set product name in FastSpring to equal feature code in LicenseSpring. Also, place these products in a separate product group called "features".
- Define product feature(s) in LicenseSpring
- Create a product group called features in your FastSpring store
- Create "feature products" in "features" product group in your FastSpring store
- Set up product choice on your base product in FastSpring by selecting "feature products" created in step 3