
HubSpot Integration User Documentation



The following article will take you through our HubSpot integration and all its current functionalities.

The current integration supports Company and Contact HubSpot CRM objects, and the integration is able to be set up on those objects View pages.


This documentation assumes that you have a HubSpot and a LicenseSpring instance setup beforehand.

We assume that you have already gone through the HubSpot Integration Installation Setup document and have installed and setup the integration application in your HubSpot instance.

We assume that you have the necessary permissions in your HubSpot instance to use the installed integration.


If you have installed the app correctly + added it to your contact view page, you will be able to see the following window once you open up a contact (any contact) that you have in your HubSpot instance. The same applies from Companies.

Depending on your page setup, your contact page might have slightly different options available or positioning of the integrations UI.

If you have use cases where you need the integration to be able to support not only Contacts and Companies but for example Leads or any other CRM objects, let us know, and we will implement the needed support.

Contact View Page in HubSpot.
Contact View Page in HubSpot.

Initially your contact information won't be immediately transfered to your LicenseSpring instance. The information gets transferred to LicenseSpring once you create your first license on that contact.

Creating Licenses

Once you click on the Create License button, you will need to select a product on which you want the order/licenses to be created on. The products that you can pick are directly pulled from your LicenseSpring instance.

License Creation Page.
License Creation Page.

We'll select the product named License Software for this documentation.

Selecting Product for License.
Selecting Product for License.

This will enable us to pick a License Policy from the Product with which we'll create an order/license. Same as the products, the License Policies are pulled from your LicenseSpring instance.

If you have the need to create more License Policies, you can go to your LicenseSpring instance and create additional ones and they will be available in the drop down after a page refresh.

Selecting License Policy for the License.
Selecting License Policy for the License.

Adjusting Types of License Policies.
Adjusting Types of License Policies.

Depending on the license policy you pick, the information on the left side of the window will change, and show you details about that license policy and also additional options/input fields will be show below. We'll pick a time-limited license policy for this demo and change the quantity of the licenses to 5.

Adjusting Time-Limited Values for the License.
Adjusting Time-Limited Values for the License.

If your Contacts Company does not have a name set, you might get the following error "Company name can't be empty". Please enter a name to avoid this error.

"Company name can't be empty" error.
"Company name can't be empty" error.

After clicking on the Create Order button, and a small loading time, we are back on the contacts page where we can see the 5 new licenses that got created

Created Licenses from order.
Created Licenses from order.

License Details and LicenseSpring Link

Every license has its License ID shown in the table of Licenses, and if we click on it, a side panel will pop up and show all the necessary details of the license with the additional link that can take you to your license in your LicenseSpring instance .

License ID of Individual Licenses
License ID of Individual Licenses

Link to See License in LicenseSpring Instance.
Link to See License in LicenseSpring Instance.

Updating Licenses

Once the contact has its licenses created, you have the ability to update some license parameters (depending on the license type you created).

If we click on the Update button on the right side of the license table, we are show all the fields that we can update on a license for that certain type.

Updating Existing License
Updating Existing License

Update License Page.
Update License Page.

Once you're happy with your changes (you will be shown below the Update button all the fields you changed) you can click on the Update fields that is located in the lower right corner of the screen (some users on smaller screens will have to scroll down).

Changed Fields View.
Changed Fields View.

Product Features

You are able to add or remove Product Features when your're updating your license.

Adding Product Features.
Adding Product Features.

To do so, you will need to scroll down the update pop up window and click on the Add button which will open a pop up section on which you can by clicking/selecting the feature you like in the dropdown add Product Features to the license

Selecting Features to Add.
Selecting Features to Add.

Selected Features.
Selected Features.

Once you're done you need to click on the Add features button, and this will add the product feature to the respective license.

View of Added Features.
View of Added Features.

You can also remove the features by clicking on the delete button in the right side of the features table.

Removing License Features.
Removing License Features.

Custom Fields

When updating your licenses, in the update window there is a section for custom fields if you scroll to the bottom of the page.

Custom Fields Section.
Custom Fields Section.

If your product does not have custom features you will first need to go to your LicenseSpring instance, create them on the product, add them to a license policy and then come back here and refresh the page and create the Order again.

You are able to edit the custom fields value by clicking on the Edit button next to the custom field that you wish to edit.

Editing Custom Fields.
Editing Custom Fields.

This will open up an another pup up window on which once you're happy with your edit, can click on the Update custom field button to save the changes.

Changing Custom Field Value.
Changing Custom Field Value.


On our company objects view the integration window will show all the the licenses that are connected to any contacts that are associated with the comapny that we opened up.

So for example a contact that has 6 time-limited licenses associated with it, and is connected to the Company called "Apple", the contacts licenses will how on the Apples page.

For the contact to be show in the table, the Company has to be set as a primary company for that contact

Company Object View.
Company Object View.

Creating/Updating Licenses Through Companies

Same as with Contacts, Companies also have a button to create licenses. This button will open up a list of associated Contacts and you will need to click on the contact on which you want to create licenses/orders.

For the contact to be show in the table, the Company has to be set as a primary company for that contact

Company Licenses View.
Company Licenses View.

Additional features and support requests

If you have use cases where you wish that aditional HubSpot objects are supported in our integration or additional LicenseSpring features are available in the integration inside HubSpot, let us know by contacting our development team.

If for some reason the integration is not behaving as it is documented here, let us know by contacting our support team.