Management API Collection
Initiate the initial requests within each folder, such as "List Licenses," "List License users," "List orders," "List products," and so forth. These requests establish global variables that can be employed in subsequent requests. The data gathered in these requests pertains to the primary license in the platform's list (or the most recently generated via a request).
Crucial steps to configure for commencing request operations within your organization:
- Incorporate your managementApiKey, apiKey, and sharedKey from your company's platform settings under the "keys" tab.
These settings are accessible in the LicenseSpring development environment, which must be selected in Postman.
Should there be a desire to manually modify the data (choosing an ID other than the first license), this can be achieved by selecting a specific ID, such as the 35th ID, and designating it as a global variable. This designated variable can subsequently be utilized in the subsequent request.
For guidance, you can follow the examples outlined in each request or consult our documentation. You also have the option to modify the name of the {{variable}} within the environment to your desired value.
Alternatively, you can remove the {{variable}} name from the request and directly input the preferred license ID. For example, consider the "Show license" request:
Request URL:
In this URL, the final number "1591774919885639" represents the {{licenseId}}, corresponding to the n-th ID license that you intend to display.
Please note: The initial request within each folder yields a response containing all the necessary data, which can be utilized in other requests within the same folder.